Saturday, May 25, 2013

Reality of Texting, talking, and surfing while driving

Reality of Texting, talking, and surfing while driving

  I decided to focus on the reality of texting, talking, and surfing  while driving for this week’s blog. Why? This is a subject that affects us all whether we walk, drive, or use public transportation. The risk of being involved in an accident caused by a cellular or mobile device is becoming increasingly more likely!

In 2011 23% of all car accidents involved cell phones

       ( That comes out to 1.3 Million Crashes)

Did you know that an average of 5 seconds passes without your eyes on the road when you are sending or receiving a text message.

( If traveling at the rate of 55 mph that is the length of a football field)

Do I have your attention yet? No keep reading!

82 % of American Teenagers between the ages 16-17 own cell phones. I felt that number was shockingly low!

13 % of driver's age 18-20 involved in accidents admit to texting or talking on mobile devices at the time of the crash.

34% admit they have texted while driving.

52% admit they have talked on a cell phone while driving.

Teens who text while driving. Spend approximately 10% of their driving time outside their lane.

(It is estimated that Americans spend approximately 3 hours a day driving that comes out to 18 minutes spent outside their lane a day)

Disturbing? Keep reading for more hair rising statistics

77% of young adults say they are very or somewhat confident that they can safely text while driving


55% of young adult drivers claim it’s easy to text while driving


48% of young drivers have seen their parents drive while talking on a cell phone


15% of young drivers have seen their parent text while driving


27% of adults have sent or received text messages while driving


48% of kids age 12-17 have been in a car with a driver that was texting


Did you know?

Texting makes an accident 23 times more likely

Dialing a cell phone is 2.8 times more likely

Talking or listening while driving 1.3 times more likely

Reaching for the device is 1.4 times more likely


1 out of 5 drivers of all ages confessed to surfing the web while driving


How they justify it?


1. Reading a text is safer than composing and sending one.


2. They hold the phone near the windshield for better visibility.


3. They increase following distance.


4. They text only at a stop sign or red light.




State Laws:

Hawaii became the 40th state to join the ban for text messaging for all drivers!

40 states The District of Columbia and Guam ban text messaging for all drivers

This includes:


Oregon                  Washington

California               Nevada

Alaska                    Utah


Idaho                      Wyoming


Colorado                 Kansas


Nebraska               North Dakota


Minnesota                Iowa


Arkansas                 Louisiana


Wisconsin                Illinois


Tennessee              Alabama


Georgia                   North Carolina


Virginia                    Kentucky


Indiana                     Ohio


West Virginia           Maryland


Delaware                 Pennsylvania


New Jersey             Connecticut


Rhode Island           Massachusetts


Maine                       New Hampshire


Vermont                   New York


11 States, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands prohibit all drivers from using handheld cell phones while driving

Which includes:

Washington             Oregon

California                Nevada

West Virginia          New York

New Jersey            Maryland

Hawaii                    Delaware




States with Partial or secondary laws regarding cell phone usage while driving

New Mexico                Texas

Oklahoma                South Dakota

Missouri                   Mississippi


Shockingly there are still states that currently have no laws restricting the usage of mobile devices while driving!


States with no laws or bans on cell phone usage while driving

Montana         Arizona

Florida         South Carolina


Technology for parents



Monitors a driver's activity and provides real time feedback with video

AT&T Drive Mode

Free anti-texting and driving mobile app for Android & blackberry

Text-Free Driving pledge

Teens and parents can also take the text free driving pledge

I hope this has inspired many to not engage in any type of distractive driving! I will be taking the next two weeks off from Blogging as I buckle down to finish the first draft of my Novel. When I come back I will be doing a piece on Human Trafficking which is another issue near and dear to my heart!


Happy Memorial Day


                                        Drive safe!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Current project at a glimpse!

Hello & Welcome back! I want to thank my faithful followers for visiting me each week. It has been a bumpy road as I learn to navigate ups and downs of blogging. Now for the good stuff! As I promised in my very first blog here is a little information on my current project!

My journey began a little over three years ago when I woke up one summer night from a dead sleep at three o'clock in the morning. I wandered out into the living room where I sat on the couch in the dark thinking about a dream I just had about this young girl. A couple of hours later I had come up with a whole plot line and additional characters in my head.

Now this was not the first time I have had these random thoughts pop into my head but I was discourage early on from sharing them because some thought I sounded "Crazy" so I would play them out in my head then soon forget them.

I had planned to do the same with this one but for some reason I still cannot explain the idea would not allow me to shake it. I would be playing with  my kids and another character would pop into my head. I would be wrapping Christmas gifts and a new twist to the plot would pop into my head. This went on for about another six months before I decided to take a risk and share it with my best friend.

My best friend listen intently then encouraged me to write it down. I went on to play with the idea of writing the story out for a few months before I finally decided to take a chance. I began writing two years ago on a fall evening at my dining room table. I would spend most of my evenings writing there after and happily was half way through the story when my computer crashed.

I had made the mistake of not backing my story up on a thumb drive so when I learned that my motherboard was fried I cried for days knowing all the search and work I had put into had been lost. I gave up after that happened for about a year before deciding to sit down and try it again.

I started the process over a few months ago and have made significant progress. In hindsight I am glad that my first draft was lost because the changes I have made since have created a much better story. I have learned to back up my work in several places and look forward to seeing this journey through to the end. Below I have posted a short description of my project.

Seventeen year old girl Abigail Roswell who is in the mist of dealing with the normal challenges of becoming an adult. When she learns that not only has her life been one enormous lie but the sister she once believed to have been kidnapped and left for dead is very much alive  and  well but would like nothing else but to see her dead.

The world Abigail's parents built in order to keep her safe is crumbling fast as she is faced with the reality that not only do Vampires exist in the world but they are also all around her including her beloved parents and close friends. Abby must choose between having a normal life with a guy she once loved or accepting her destiny as the future leader of the vampire underworld and risk losing her best friend forever.

The Roswell Coven: A path to Innocence


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day

As a young child I would watch my mother go about her day yet I wondered what she did that made her so tired. I'd think about how my dad was gone all day at school, work, or at the armory. Dad I could understand being tired with all he has to do but not mom she only stays at home.

When I was about thirteen my mother tried to give me advice anything from shoes or clothes to even the boys I liked. I'd roll my eyes at every word she spoke. How would she know what's best for me? "She is too old to know what's cool!" I'd mumble then storm off to my room.

A few years later she made matters worse. When she'd demand to know where I was going, with whom, or when I'd be coming back. My mother she didn't give up easy she’d show up where I least expect to check if what I told was indeed correct.

I often thought of her as nosey sometimes I even called her a witch! My mother she didn’t get discourage by the things I said if anything she latched on tighter much to my chagrin.

It was not until I became a mother that I finally understood all the things that a mother truly does. Now I am grateful for all the things about my mother I hated or didn’t understand.

I am even more grateful for all the things she passed from my grandmother & her onto me. Why? Simply because it made me the mother I am today! A mother I hope my daughters will one day want to be!

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mother’s who love their children!!


                            Yours Truly,


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Recipe For Disaster: Tales From A Sleep Deprived Writer!

Welcome to the third installment! I can hardly believe a whole week has past since my last post. Where did the time go? I 've asked myself that same question all week as I worked (not) on my novel. I've spent countless hours in front of my computer yet as I look over the pages of my manuscript I am baffled by the lack of progress.

The first thought pops into my head. "Did you remember to save all your work?" I immediately start reading the last forty pages.
Here is a list of what happened next.
1. I fixed a couple of grammar mistakes.
2. I rewrote about 10 lines on five pages.
3. I rewrote two full pages that I felt was not working right.
4. I  took a short phone call during which I logged on to Facebook. I spent the next two hours reading pictures, posts, and new articles. I also discovered a neat game called "Word pyramided"

5. I read a few more pages then decided it was time to eat dinner.

6. I read a little more but realized it been a while since I checked my of course I log in and  (drum roll please) I have messages telling me I have new followers on Twitter.

7. I log into twitter to thank my new followers then spend an hour or more reading tweets.

8. I decide to take a break for a little while. I spend some time with my kids & playing with my cat.

9. I'm well rested so back to reading... Yes I actually finish this time.

10. I realize I've wasted about 9 hours on something that should have taken me no more than an hour to complete.

The second thought that pops into my head. "I wonder if I have ADHD?"

I staying true to fashion had to look it up on WebMD. What I discovered there is one I am not ADHD but could possibly be an elephant! Not really but if you have ever used the symptom checker than you might have gotten that poor attempt at a joke! 

The last thought that popped into my head. "How many hours of sleep have I actually gotten this week?"The Answer 24 hours total. I've seen 3 in the morning at least twice this week. I've stay up writing two night in a row. I don't even remember Monday at this point. I am in need of some serious sleep!!

What I learned from this experience:

1. Sleep is vital!

2. Facebook is a distraction (Evil) and should not be used during writing time.

3. Emails will wait!

4. There will always be something interesting on Twitter so stay clear of it as well.

5. Do not make corrections to your manuscript until you are ready for the editing process.

6. It's okay to take time off or step away for a while!

On the plus side I did manage to complete a chapter amongst all the confusion. I also manage to create a poem for the novel I am working on so that was a rewarding moment this week. I've decided to post it here for your enjoyment! My way of saying thank you for suffering through this weeks blog with me!

When time aligns With clouds that bind

A Princess mind will be shattered

Untruths spoken will splinter

Broken lips will part the truth                   

Let rusted hands rewind

So an object long forgotten

Can spring forth with new life

Heed the written siren call

The powers will be withdrawn

A new empire will rise from her blood

As the Princess falls from ash to dust